Circular Economy


Circular Economy

For the past few years in spring, I have set a project with the second year degree Product Design group at Bournemouth University. This year it fell a few weeks into lock-down.

With the students having returned home and the campus closed, it was going to be quite different and became my first experience of distant learning. The group of around 80 were spread throughout the UK and Europe and even one in Peru. However, with the aid of the internet and teleconferencing, we were able to run and complete the project successfully. This included, teams working remotely and group tutorials happening via Zoom.

Split into 15 teams, the project considered the design of existing products in the context of a Circular Economy and in-line with the principles of Cradle to Cradle. With sustainability, the right to repair and other best practices at the heart of the project, the groups redesigned a range of products including a toothbrush, spectacles and an inkjet printer. Given the challenges of working this way, all of the students showed resourcefulness and where possible made use of 3D printing and other digital media tools.

On many levels it was an interesting and successful exercise, and given the aim of the project, the use of distant learning became highly relevant.


Barry Jenkins